Forex Simulator Offers Foreign Exchange Traders Unlimited `Do-Overs`
Released on = March 3, 2006, 2:57 pm
Press Release Author = ForexInterBank
Industry = Education
Press Release Summary = ForexInterBank introduces a fourth generation Forex simulator that provides Forex traders the means to take advantage of unlimited 'do overs'. In the simulator, which draws on an unlimited feed of historical data, when calls go bad, traders can rewind and try again.
Press Release Body = Originally billed as "the fastest and easiest way to refine technical Forex trading skills," the latest edition of ForexInterBank's Forex simulator (FxSim) combines the power of price data management, advanced charting controls, and digital record keeping with a set of integrated, interactive lessons.
"When we first introduced our Forex simulator over a year ago, we knew we were on to something," John Keister, the company's founder and CEO, says, "but our latest upgrades make the training platform even better. Users can now perfect their trading skills using an endless stream of historical feeds."
Most Forex traders cut their trading teeth using free demo accounts that draw on live or delayed market feeds, and there the learning curve is a function of real time. Once a trade has been executed, the user may have to wait a few hours to determine if it was a good or bad call.
"With FxSim's fast forward feature, traders don't have to wait for hours to see if they made a good or bad call; they get immediate feedback. What's more, they can rewind feeds to see where they went right or wrong," he says.
According to Keister, it's an unfortunate fact of life that the inefficiencies of real time demo accounts, paired with human impatience, eventually lead most inexperienced traders to become non-traders or, worse yet, lead them to the poor house. "Successful technical trading requires an assured knowledge of trading patterns and that simply can't be obtained in real time unless, of course, one has the patience of Job, an unlimited amount of free time, and deep pockets," he says.
The biggest hazard of real time learning , however, is that most traders, driven by the promise of untold and easily obtained riches, get "the bug" and start trading before they know the rules of the game.
"New Forex traders are not a great deal unlike endless stream of gamblers who take part in the daily pilgrimage to Monte Carlo or Las Vegas. Sending caution to the wind, they find themselves 'playing' the market - making ill considered calls and then chasing long shots to recoup their losses," Keister says. FxSim is an outgrowth of Keister's own experience and frustration with the tedium of demo accounts.
"When I first started trading over a decade ago, I read everything I could get my hands on and, like most everyone else, attempted to apply what I learned using one of a number of 'free' demo trading accounts but the learning process took forever.
"Again, like so many others, I found myself opening a trading account before I had reached a reasonable level of proficiency and ended up paying dearly for the education that came over a period of three to four years. The one thing I did learn is that real time demo accounts can't expedite, let alone facilitate, the learning process," he says.
The logic ForexInterBank is using to promote its simulator is simple, straightforward and hard to argue with. "Learning is all about practice and reinforcement. If a trader can't learn to execute trades profitably using a simulator, what chance do you think he/she is going to have trading with real money?"
About ForexInterBank
ForexInterbank ( ) is a leading international provider of online, live call Forex training and mentoring services. The company's site can also be easily located at the top of search results on Google and Yahoo using the keyword phrase "forex simulator".
Public Relations Firm of Record Fast Track SEOP (951) 784-2274
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Contact Details = John Keister 6272 Whittondale Dr. Tallahassee , 32312 $$country
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